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FINTECH INNOVATION SUMMIT The future of financial technologies

IV FINTECH INNOVATION SUMMIT will bring together the financial ecosystem. Learn what role technology is playing in the sector. What alternatives currently exist in the market to improve processes. Provide customers with products or services adapted to new consumption models. Digital interaction. We find ourselves in a context where technology. New opportunities in the financial sector do not stop establishing themselves. Experts will share points of view on trends. Challenges and the keys to 2023. In which companies need growth and reduce the impact of inflation.

More than 200 professionals will meet

On November 15 to discover the challenges of the financial ecosystem, connecting entrepreneurs with Fintech so that they adapt to CL Lists current times. The Congress will have presentations, success stories, panels of experts and an exhibition area, where companies will present their innovations and networking areas with activities and catering, where attendees will participate with their entry in raffles, generating new contacts to expand your professional network and enhance business opportunities. Some of the topics that will be addressed during the conference revolve around Artificial Intelligence, the Metaverse, blockchain technology, Open Banking, new business models, digital assets, hyperautomation, fraud detection, omnichannel, among others.

The support of the Community of Madrid

It will have, Madrid City Council, AEFI, AEMME, FIFED, ASEAFI, MadFintech, ECOFIN Forum, AEPI, COIIPA, ATI, ASAEDE, COETIIB, CONCITI, CITIPA.org, General Council of Professional Associations, College Computer top industry data Engineering Officer of the Valencian Community, Leganés Technological Business Association, Professional College of Computer Engineers of the Region of Murcia, The Valley, La Latina Valley, Api Addicts, IEB, Quum Comunicación, the Big Data Madrid Cluster and the Big Foundation Data and with the collaboration as media partners to Funds Society, Tiempos de Inversión, Cointelegraph, Revista Transformación Digital, Digital Innovation News, Marketing Insider Review, Diario Crítico.com, Emprendedores 2020, Dir&ge, Periódico PublicidAD, Revista Interactiva, BeInCrypto, Control Publicidad , The Standard CIO.

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