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The 2023 cybersecurity predictions for MSPs

Cyber attacks are certainly nothing new.  And their exponential spread only follows the growth of the.  Internet’s presence in personal and economic activities across the entire planet. The first example of a worm (a sort of self-replicating virus).  Dates back to 1988: a programming error by a young university.  Researcher that end up clogging up a tenth of an internet . Network which then only had a few tens of thousands of computers. But the road was now open, and the subsequent advent of the.  Web brought into the daily lives of all of us what until then had remain.  Little more than a simple academic curiosity. 

MSPs will be the key attack vector for supply chains

 Today, cyber attacks are part of the “ new normal ”. There isn’t a day in which the mia doesn’t talk about.  Blackmail companies with their computers down.  Sensitive data stolen and resold on the black market, identity theft, industrial espionage.  And digital assaults new database on the infrastructures of entire nations . This is why it is important to know how to take the right countermeasures and always be prepar … As a good msp, you know this well. So here I come to help you with this article in which I try to be a “Seer” with some prictions on cybersecurity in 2023. Msps will be the key attack vector for supply chains growing geopolitical tensions.  Are leading global governments to put cyber attacks on the supply chain ecosystem at the top of the list .  

MSPs that do not pursue a zero-trust strategy

According to a recent white house communication: “ …foreign governments and criminal.  Gangs are constantly looking for ways to compromise our digital infrastructure. In 2020, numerous feral agencies and large companies.  Were compromis by CL Lists malicious code add to solarwinds software. This small change creat a backdoor into the digital infrastructure of feral.  Agencies and private sector companies. This incident is just one in a series of cyber intrusions and vulnerabilities . That have threaten government services as well as the integrity of large amounts. Of personal and corporate information over the past two years.”

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