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New Shortcut to Start Blogging

Online Business Manager Online Business Manager differs from virtual assistant in that the manager tells the entrepreneur/leader/blogger what the leader/entrepreneur/blogger must do. The task of the virtual assistant is to carry out the tasks given by the entrepreneur/director/blogger. Online Business Manager can, for example plan and organize the project then tell the entrepreneur what he needs to do to make the project successful break down tasks into daily tasks organize the client’s work or keep the focus on the right things. The manager can package his own expertise in different packages and commercialize the service through, for example, hourly pricing.

Managers therefore help

Note, however, that the Manager’s job is only to tell the client what to do and not to do the work for him. The online latest database business manager’s hourly charge can be 24–60 €/h, in which case he can take on more clients per month. The monthly invoicing can thus rise up to 4,000–10,000 euros. In package billing, typical package prices are €350-750/month, so if he has 10 customers, he earns €3,500-7,500/month. 14. Social Media Manager  can offer a very small-scale service, such as scheduling social media posts and responding to comments, or a broader entity, such as building an entire social media strategy and helping an entrepreneur implement it.

A Social Media Manager

 Social Media Manager can also study what kind of posts get the most comments and reactions and build an individual campaign around that. At this point, I strongly recommend that you take at most two social platforms (FB, IG, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter…) and build your own expertise around them. The more you know about the social platform in question, the better results you can give your customers. Social Media Manager can either charge an hourly rate or make a package that CL Lists the customer pays monthly. The hourly price can be 15–40 €/h, while the monthly billing package can be 150–600 € per month. In this case, the Social Media Manager can earn an average of 2,000–6,000 € per month.

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