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Websites around the world and generates

 Monitored indicators: cost per click (Google Ads and Facebook Ads); click rate (Google Ads and Facebook Ads); conversion rate (landing pages); cost per conversion (landing pages). Continuous optimization actions: a/b testing Google Ads and Facebook Ads; a/b testing on landing pages. With these routines, it was possible to gather some insights that allowed us to leverage the results, as you will see below. Some optimization insights: Facebook Ads is better for lead volume; Google Ads is better for lead quality; target audience does not use email; potential customers want to chat via WhatsApp; consumers don’t bother providing their cell phone number; ads.

These insights were only possible

With images of the work convert more; advertisements with company videos generate more leads; 80% of leads are generated on mobile devices; leads from landing pages are more qualified; among others! The critical point we need to highlight is that all these insights were only possible with several months of work. In other words, there is no point in wanting to run a campaign and expect results in days. There are no shortcuts. It takes effort, dedication and a lot of method to achieve a good return. Sponsored Links Results Sponsored Links Results  Latest database All the dedication and constant effort of our team and Construtora CRD allowed great results to be generated: more than 1,000 leads generated per month; 5x drop in cost per lead; more than.

There are no shortcuts

With images of the work convert more; advertisements CL Lists with company videos generate more leads; 80% of leads are generated on mobile devices; leads from landing pages are more qualified; among others! The critical point we need to highlight is that all these insights were only possible with several months of work. In other words, there is no point in wanting to run a campaign and expect results in days. There are no shortcuts. It takes effort, dedication and a lot of method to achieve a good return. Sponsored Links Results Sponsored Links Results All the dedication and constant  effort of our team and Construtora CRD allowed great results to be generated: more than 1,000 leads generated per month; 5x drop in cost per lead; more than. 

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