Mag they say that they started working on the terrariumsatabase three years ago. Initially it was a wish of theirs, they did not think it would be a venture, but here it happened. Now the group has five members Arnold, Ejona, Niki, Elsid and Endri. Read: Huskymag, the Albanian-American platform of the boy from Durrës The cooperation and communication they have with each other has made the work go better and exceed expectations. They state that it took a lot of work to create what is today the basic product.
While at the end of April it was
These works placed in glass jars, apart from growing a plant in completely normal conditions as it grows in the ground, are aesthetic and decorative for interiors. NO Portugal mobile number list But how does a plant manage to grow in a closed environment, are pesticides used to grow it? Arnoldi and Ejona tell BusinessMag. That in order to create living conditions for the plant inside the glass container, sand or stones, carbon, and dry plants, decoration, mosses and finally the plant itself are needed.
Including foreign individuals resident
Pesticides in their work are and will be to the extent of . Internet searches and constant experiments are the first helping hand given to them. The CL Lists encouragement of society. And the social network Instagram helped them create a name, but they do not leave without mentioning the help given by the Mayor Erion Veliaj, the architectural studios and the interest that the towards their business concept. They tell us that soon they will open the atelier and studio premises, which can be visite by anyone. In the future, we aim for nature in miniature to be a part of everyone’s home”, they say. When we say successful person, we immediately think of a smart and highly intelligent person. It is true, such a man can be successful, but not only An individual’s success is not markd only by his IQ.