In this sentence, the word is translated into a verb to consider solving a problem. At the same time, there are some economic terms in Russian that are directly borrowed from English, such as from English, a simple foreign exchange transaction, paying time at a forward rate. Abbreviations, organization names using brand abbreviations and translations, trademarks can also cause difficulties for inexperienced experts. There are three ways to use equivalents in translating abbreviations in economic texts. Example Group of Seven, Big Seven. Transliteration. Brexit UK quit.
The translation base is the abbreviation
Gross domestic product gross domestic product. Transliteration or literal translation World Bank World Bank is most often used when dealing with Niue Email List organization names. Also read: Characteristics of term translation. In this article we analyze how terms, names of companies and legal forms are translated in order to correctly convey the exact meaning of concepts to Russian. Economic perspective, that is, to understand economic reality and laws.
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At the same time, he needs. To know basic economic terms. and how to translate them, the ability to adapt to the complexity of the order. This will CL Lists allow him to correctly convey the meaning of the English text when translating it into Russian. In case of difficulty, economics reference books and subject dictionaries, texts, glossaries also available on the Internet can be helpful. for marketers is growing rapidly. It’s important for marketers and brand owners to be aware of the latest trends, as some information can become outdated within a month.