Directions of e-expansion The above-mentioned PwC report shows that Polish e-entrepreneurs most often chose the German (78%) and British (39%) markets for cross-border sales. This was followed by countries such as France (28%), Slovakia (26%) and the Czech Republic (23%). Data from Selly online stores show that e-sales to such countries as the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Germany, Spain and Hungary were the most intensive in terms of increases in the number of orders. On the other hand, the value of orders clearly increased in trade with Ukraine, Italy, France and Hungary.
Number of orders in online stores
Aggregated data clearly illustrate the effect of Brexit and changes in customs regulations. of orders and their value. The direction is no longer attractive for Polish e-businesses – explains Mariusz Polowczuk, the owner of Selly. According to Selly data, the average value of orders in stores selling cross-border increased by 2.2% in the first quarter Gibraltar Email List of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020. Indicators for international sales Good preparation for this stage of e-business development determines the success of the diversification of sales markets. It is important not only the direction that the online seller chooses, but also the industry in which he operates.
That is why it is so important
Proper research and pay attention to key indicators. Even if the information has a high degree of generality, it allows you to get an idea of general preferences and consumer habits. This, in turn, gives a chance to properly prepare the store in terms CL Lists of solutions preferred by consumers and to select effective marketing activities. preferences of Internet users in selected countries – chart Technology in the service of e-commerce Every fifth online store has an additional language version launched, according to data from Selly, an e-commerce engine provider.