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Sales and customer success to gather ideas

Director of content and social mia at campaign monitor. An email service provider. “every good content organization serves the nes of the entire business. So we collaborate with our customers and with customer and prospect-facing teams. Including customer service. Compliance. Sales and customer success to gather ideas and topics.” kim not only collaborates with the client-focus team. But also works closely with those who specialize in seo. “we work with our seo team to make sure the useful content we create can be found by search engines.”

Time and research

Is all about keywords.” she said. “I use seo tools to find inspiration  Africa Email List for topic ideas in top blog posts that match the keywords I’m targeting.” likewise.  she said. “we write for people and optimize for search.” not the other. We’ve found this to be a winning combination.” Time and research.” the jordan team meets weekly and at the start of each month sends an email to the team outlining the month’s themes and content formats.

Head of curation and community at flipboard

africa email list

Collect what you find. Take from mia quagliarello . Head of curation and community at flipboard a social platform that aggregates and organizes the world’s stories into social magazines. “the flipboard itorial team reads a lot.” she said. “and that CL Lists  informs nearly everything we do. every day jana brainstorms blog topic ideas bas on the questions and comments her client-facing colleagues bring to meetings. Whether you’re a marketer or a publisher. You ne to keep your target audience in mind to understand their strengths.

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