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The level of technical advice

The level of technical advice. Now we ne people in the meeting. Let s look at options for attracting an audience Invite your friends. This can be done every day . Since September , VKontakte allows you to invite only of your friends to a meeting every day ; before that there were no restrictions. Thus , in weeks you can invite a maximum of people. Of these , as a rule , have privacy restrictions on the ability to send them invitations. About people remain. Of these, about will click the I ll go or Maybe I logo button this is the first step in the conversion funnel that we will count.

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The total conversion from. The total invitation is about there were photo editing servies friends there were meeting participants . Few. And it’s free. Inviting group or public members. We make a public or group the organizer of the meeting and set up invitations in vkbot.ru from the group to the meeting. This program will save a lot of time and allow you to better control the conversion from sending out invitations. Invitation has end , let s screenshot the window with the results and set up invitation from your other group , having previously put it in the organizers.

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Remember about the conversion of. In numbers if there are , people in a group then. Only CL Lists about will reciprocate your feelings and it is with this audience that you can work further. It costs $ per anti captcha for knot. Run when sending out thousand invitations. Purchasing invitations. Surely , your personal account and your groups are not bottomless and their number is limit. Therefore, we often recommend purchasing the ability to send invitations from other groups city and thematic. To do this, find a community of your topic , for example , public posters. Write to the administrator , negotiate the price of inviting from their group.

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