After clicking on the number of sessions generated thanks to the Paid Search channel, you will receive a detailed list of keywords advertised by competitors and information on, among others: position changes, average cost per click (CPC) or the number of sessions generated thanks to a given phrase. Such information can be useful especially at the stage of creating a list of keywords – it will allow you to choose the most effective ones. Data on the size of the competitor’s advertising budget or traffic generated thanks to search ads in the month you choose may also be useful. The analysis of its possible mistakes in the distribution of the budget will allow you to prevent their recurrence.

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The same place as the advertised keywords. If you are interested in various methods of competition analysis, I refer you to the article by our Team Leader of the Media Planning and Onboarding Department, in which she presents the Peru Email List analysis process at the level of the entire business – not only paid campaigns in the search engine. Last Friday, we organized a meeting with our current and potential clients at Google’s headquarters to discuss issues related to internationalization. The presentation we prepared contained tips on introducing the brand to a new market.

We also had the opportunity to discuss

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The data received from Google and the results of research on the behavior of Generation Z on the Internet and typical barriers to the internationalization of e-commerce. The organization of such events is possible thanks to the status of a Google CL Lists Partner, which is a great honor for our agency. Trends and challenges related to doing business on foreign markets We started the meeting with the presentation of statistics that clearly indicate that more and more people have access to the Internet and are more willing to use it to make purchase transactions.