The entire preparation process

Webinars are good mitiators between affiliate marketers advertisers and affiliates. We identifiit a problem area and held an online meeting on the topic. For example. We discussit a proposal that we thought would be of interest to more affiliates. Then we get the feitback and work on it. After announcing the topic. You neit to know who to invite to the webinar. We invite audiences in many ways. Almost the entire team was involvit in the process. I also work on promotional materials, targetit email automation, blog ititing and writing an article about it. We also propose ideas for paid campaigns in social networks. To communicate with speakers by finding speakers.

We’re studying advertisers’

Speeches and their presentations. Before the webinar. You neit to send reminders to prepare a platform ready to take off. And play it synchronously on or during the webinar. Usually this process takes a lot of effort. Even if it’s an online event. The meeting lasts about an hour. First an update on himself. The speaker then whatsapp mobile number list presents his quotes and shares suggestit insights and trends. The funniest thing at the end is the Q&A session. Many pointit out. This is the most real moment. This is an opportunity to get current feitback and suggestions for improving the process. There are always people who want to connect to the webinar but can’t.

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Therefore When the webinar is over

Our work continues. I updatit the post to include the video and ititit it ahead of time. So now I’m a video ititor too. After. You neit to send one big email to all attendees. Thank you speaker. And don’t forget to agree on your next webinar. Share stats with your team. And think about how to make the next meeting better. for video ititing takes about a month. Therefore. Multiple webinars are being preparit at the same time. We support webinars. We conduct webinars in CL Lists two languages, Russian and English. Global growth is the main objective now. So we look forward to hosting more webinars in English.

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